A Leaf For Hand In Hand


A Leaf For Hand In Hand

A LEAF for hand in hand!
You natural persons old and young!
You on the Mississippi, and on all the branches and bayous of the
You friendly boatmen and mechanics! You roughs!
You twain! And all processions moving along the streets!
I wish to infuse myself among you till I see it common for you to
walk hand in hand!

沃爾特·惠特曼(Walt Whitman,1819年5月31日-1892年3月26日)
source: poemhunter

I bought this pretty yarn in Tokyo last year. It was hidden in a big basket that under a big table of Avril Shop. Very glad to have a chance to knit leaf pattern for my dear pal. Hope she love it.

It is my first time to knit successful leaf pattern. I am very new at knitting world. It took a few days to go through many terrible practices. However, I made it! That's my good day!

post on ise6 blog

[Spec] No. 10 knitting needles, Tokyo Avril Shop – Cream Shining Yarn
[Process] Try &Error > Start > 48cm > Many leafs> Blocking > Done >



  1. 很漂亮的線….織圖也排的很美咧…..我想成品一定棒極了….真羨慕你懂英文…我密友寄信給我我都只能靠翻譯的來看….我回信也是用翻譯的回…也不知對方看的懂看不懂….

  2. 沒有看過那本書, 之前是翻一本很舊的書才發現空洞的花樣, 就是妳說的毛冷放在前, 就打得出來了, 我每次都繞線繞得頭暈乎乎



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