[UMN] University of Minnesota 明尼蘇達大學


University of Minnesota 明尼蘇達大學

University of Minnesota 明尼蘇達大學,常簡稱為明大。是一所創校於1851年的公立大學,位於美國中部,全校約有6萬名學生。以醫療,法律,工程科系著名全球,特別是醫療部份,擁有很完整的教學體系和畢業後的出路(雙城市號稱醫療產業的矽谷啊!)。

藝術與人文部份,較出名的是語言,經濟學,媒傳等領域,純藝術創作或是建築這些科系,可能因為該校其他科系太強了,反而較沒有名氣。知名藝術領域的校友是美國歌手八不敵輪,喔!打錯了,是巴布狄倫Bob Dylan(賈伯斯的最愛),巴布狄倫本身就是明州人,不過大一沒唸完就休學了。此外還有女權藝術家哈蒙德 Harmony Hammond(以布料抽象創作聞名),黑白攝影家米諾懷特 Minor White(以沈靜的風景攝影聞名)。站長個人覺得 明大的紡織研究系(千萬不要誤會成流行服飾設計喔)真的蠻特別的。


💡 2021.02.17 更新敘述



明尼蘇達大學 藝術學院

明尼蘇達大學 雙城分校 藝術學院

純藝術為主,含大學部和研究所。研究所 為小班制,修業時間為三年,提供藝術碩士(MFA)學位。每年招生,除素描與油畫主修收三至四位研究生外,其他主修都只收二至三位研究生。系上一定提供所有研究生包含教學助理及其他獎助學金機會(但學雜費不一定能全額補助),研究生會有教學機會(對將來找教學工作有益),系所內也鼓勵研究生與學校內其他系所(理工農醫等)進行跨領域的創作。


  • Drawing, Painting, and Printmaking 水彩,油畫或版畫
  • Sculpture and Ceramics 雕塑和陶藝 (陶藝的排名一直都很前面,是全美知名科系)
  • Photography and Moving Images 攝影和動態影像類
  • Interdisciplinary Art and Social Practice 跨領域實驗 (有點偏向社會運動的表演藝術)

明尼蘇達大學 設計學院


這是明尼蘇達大學所有分校中唯一的設計學院,學士班的主修挺廣的,應有盡有,但碩士班從主要是建築與景觀建築以及局部的設計科系。比較特別的是都有提供再往上讀的博士課程,此外建築系館是紐約建築師史蒂芬·霍爾(Steve Holl) 2002年所設計的,是一個非常知名的景點。

建築 明大的建築非常硬,是以就業為考量的訓練。但可進行的主題則相較於其他建築系來的寬廣。舉凡歷史性的,都會相關的,人類學,社會學甚至心理學,都是有可能的主題。



  • Apparel Studies MAMSPhD 應該是少數服裝設計科系有提供博士課程 : 這個主修較多偏向紡織科技和歷史研究,而非一般的商業服裝流行設計喔!
  • Graphic Design MAMSMFAPhD 應該是少數平面設計科系有提供博士課程 明大的MFA只放在這個主修 此外,雖說是平面設計,但並非商業設計或字體設計等。而較多偏向設計社會學,而且是偏向建築,都市類的平面設計理論研究。也算是很特別。
  • Housing Studies MAMSPhD 這個真的蠻特別的主修,類似居家人類學的設計研究,主旨是 Explore the relationships between humans and their designed environments
  • Interior Design MAMSPhD 應該是少數室內設計科系有提供博士課程
  • Human Factors & Ergonomics MS, PhD

西岸藝術區 West Bank Arts Quarter




  • MFA Design/Technology 設計與科技的MFA
  • MA/PhD in Theatre Historiography 戲劇編史的MA和PHD




  • Painting
  • Drawing
  • Ceramics
  • Sculpture
  • Printmaking
  • Foundation
  • Digital Imaging
  • Photography


這是2007年的6月該校畢業生PChen和阿福站長的問與答。他有留下聯絡資料,歡迎同學問問題:Ping-Yao Chen (pchen@cs.umn.edu)

1. 可以簡單介紹UMN您唸的科系有什麼特色嗎?

The Department of Art offers two degree options for undergraduates: the Bachelor of Arts (BA) and the Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA). MFA program is a three-year program. The following areas of concentration are available: Ceramics, Drawing and Painting, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture, and Time and Interactivity. Its Ceramics is ranked as top 10 by US News:(link) But other areas are also strong. Professor Diane Katsiaficas, director of undergraduate, is my BFA advisor, and she is very nice and good at teaching and guiding students to find their directions. If you have any question regarding to your application to BFA or MFA, feel free to ask her.

Its MFA program: All entering students are offered guaranteed support, which includes Teaching Assistantships and fellowships. The MFA program provides an educational environment in which promising and engaged artists explore their potential through studio practice and critical dialogue. Peers, visiting artists and critics, along with a vital faculty of working artists, generate dialogue through informal meetings, seminars and tutorials. While studio practice is at the core of the curriculum, the program exposes students to a broad range of artistic strategies and modes of critical thinking through courses in art theory and history, as well as pertinent University-wide electives.

2. 請問UMN所在地的天氣如何呢? 住在學校方便嗎?

Minneapolis ranks among the top cities in Urban Environment Report.(link) Though the winter is long (4 – 6 months), but it is not that bad when you really live here, especially, winter is not as cold as ten years ago. The traffic is ok. There are campus buses circulating around three campuses.

3. 請問UMN校園中的藝術與設計活動多嗎?

There are many art activities in campuses and twin cities. Weisman Art Museum (http://www.weisman.umn.edu/), Bell Museum of Natural Historyat at East Bank campus, Katherine E. Nash Gallery (http://nash.umn.edu/) within the Art Department, etc., not to mention Walker Art Center, Minneapolis Institute of Art, Minnesota Museum of American Art, etc. around the Twin Cities.

4. 可以簡單介紹一下UMN台灣同學會的參加方式或運作內容嗎?

There are many Taiwanes students (graduates and undergraduates). For graduate programs, Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Department of Educational Psychology, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, etc. ranks among the top graduate programs in US.


Architecture 明大建築碩士班 申請截止日 Application Deadlines

  • Master in Architecture (M.Arch) January 15
  • Master of Science in Architecture with Concentration in Sustainable Design (MS-SD) Rolling admissions: Apply four months before desired semester.
  • Master of Science in Architecture with Concentration in Heritage Conservation & Practice (MS-HCP) January 15
  • Master of Science in Architecture with Concentration in Metropolitan Design (MS-MD) January 15
  • Master of Science in Architecture with Concentration in Research Practices (MS-RP) Rolling admissions: Apply four months before desired semester.

landscape architecture 明大景觀建築碩士班 申請截止日 Application Deadlines

  • Master in Landscape Architecture (MLA) January 16
  • Master of Science in Landscape Architecture (MSLA) January 16

Design graduate program 明大設計碩士班 申請截止日Application Deadlines

第一個日期是要申請TA獎學金的。第二個才是最終的截止日期 Early decision and assistantship application deadline Final deadline

  • Apparel Studies Track (Master of Arts, Master of Science, PhD) December 15 / April 1
  • Graphic Design Track (Master of Arts, Master of Fine Arts, Master of Science, PhD) December 15 / April 1
  • Interior Design Track (Master of Arts, Master of Science, PhD) December 15 / April 1
  • Product Design Track (Master of Arts, Master of Fine Arts, Master of Science, PhD) December 15 / April 1


2020-2021 設計碩士相關的年學費 一學期以6-14學分來估算 約為一學期 $12560 x 2 = $25120(漲幅不大,算是非常CP高的學校)資訊來源


  • 2013-2014年 學費為$11989 x 2 = $23978(一學期以6-14學分來估算,約為11989左右)
  • 2011-2012年,研究生年學費為$10733 x 2 = $21466(一學期以6-14學分來估算,約為10733左右)此外主修不同的話,學費亦有點不同喔!2007-2008年,年學費約為$8419 x 2=$16838。漲幅驚人啊~ 學費網頁




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