[Ringling] Ringling College 瑞格林學院


瑞格林藝術與設計學院 Ringling College of Art and Design是一家位於美國佛羅里達州的知名私立藝術學校,經常簡稱為Ringling瑞格林。1931年該校由馬戲團起家的瑞格林兄弟成立。該校是藝術類型私立學校,以動畫教育聞名。校區在美國東南方,佛羅里達州的薩拉索塔市(Sarasota)。


最早的校地本來是一個2星級的旅館,現在是瑞格林的註冊組大樓。成立時只有75位學生,13位師資。當時學費好便宜,一年只要交美金783元。(現在去哪裡找這樣的學校啊!:sad:)在1970年,瑞格林藝術學院正式獲得許可,能頒發學士學位,不過學校一直沒有將名稱從「Ringling School of Art & Design」改為「Ringling College of Art & Design」,因為藝術學校也常是藝術大學。不過在2007年,為了以後學校願景(朝碩士學位邁進),終於將校名裡的School換成了College。

又: 瑞格林兄弟在美國是很知名的,因為他們以馬戲團起家,是一個相當大的家族! 瑞格林馬戲團在美國可說是家喻戶曉呢!


BFA only

2021.3.30 更新學費資料

這家學校幾乎沒有理論科系,所有學士課程都以培養你能夠進入業界為基準來做的,因此學校採用的設備都是和業界同步。在系所簡介也大拉拉的都打上了校友去了何方。如果你熱愛設計和藝術(且偏向電腦動畫/特效/影視) 而且目標是在美國就職。來這家學校重念一個學士,也是很多人的選擇。

瑞格林動畫主修 Ringling Computer Animation

咳咳!對我來說這家學校只有一個主修,就叫做動畫,呃~乾脆建議該校把名稱改成Ringling College of Computer Animation好了! 從1990年代後期電腦動畫起飛,瑞格林就一直占有一席之地,可說是東岸的動畫學校之王吧! (西岸的動畫之王就是CalArts了) 而且,畢業的學生都相當有發展,Pixar裡少不了瑞格林這一幫就是了! 從這一篇報導就可以看得出來,學校的動畫系是相當重要而且焦點注目的,該系的老師Jim McCampbell似乎是個蠻重要的角色(在ratemyprofessor裡可是有辣椒的喲!),有不少學生片都是他指導的,我個人印象最深的是這一部Hiccup 101,由Jessica Sances所作的,此Jessica畢業後就進入夢工場,已經在IMDb占有一席之地,參與了不少片的特效製作呢! (youtube的觀看似乎很慢,這個網站有詳細介紹)

搜尋YOUTUBE + ringling animation 或 ringling showreel 有很多動畫可以看,不過格式不太整齊就是了



  • Business of Art & Design
  • Computer Animation (RANK NO1 非常操勞的科系,畢業率很低,但能畢業的都是工作找你,不是你找工作)
  • Creative Writing
  • Entertainment Design
  • Film
  • Fine Arts
  • Game Art (特別的)
  • Graphic Design
  • Illustration
  • Motion Design (也很不錯 得了很多獎項喔! 主攻3D特效 RANK NO2)
  • Photography & Imaging
  • Virtual Reality Development (超特別,對VR有興趣的話,不要錯過喔!)
  • Visual Studies
  • Interior Design


以下是2012.12.05 Ringling大學生 Yunhao 回答阿福站長的幾個小訪談問題


There are 14 majors in Ringling, including:

Advertising Design, Business of Art & Design, Computer Animation, Digital Filmmaking, General Fine Arts, Fine Arts: Painting, Fine Arts: Printmaking, Fine Arts:Sculpture, Game Art & Design, Graphic Design, Illustration, Interior Design, Motion Design, Photography & Digital Imaging.

I am majoring Computer Animation, which is famous for its 3D character animation, also very being strong in concept and storyboard. The workload and stress of studying is very high in Computer Animation. Professor in major will keep pushing you towards profession level so that you have to keep working hard and staying up everyday. But I really enjoy having solid training both in art and tech.

2.請問您當初在申請Ringling時, 過程如何呢?有面試嗎? 入學需要另外考校方的語言檢定嗎?

I just graduated from Zhejiang University(浙江大学), Digital Media major before I applied Ringling. So I prepared a lot of things which in my forth year in University. The most important thing applying for Computer Animation is your portfolio. A strong portfolio which shows your understanding and skill in art will help you get into school. In portfolio, gesture is a most valued skill in admission process because it shows your understanding of human anatomy and motion. Painting or designs of good color and composition will also help a lot, because drawing skill will show the faculty of your potential ability to work in the future. 3D ability in maya or 3Dmax is not required in your admission portfolio.

Paper material required includes personal statement, recommend letter, official transcript. The list can be find on school’s website. Ringling College of Art and Design

There are no interview when I applied, and usually they don’t.

School requires TOEFL over 70, but I think they lowered the requirement to 60 recently, not so sure about that… GRE or SAT are not required.

3.請問Ringling所在地的天氣如何呢? 住在學校方便嗎?一定需要開車嗎?

Ringling has typical weather in Florida, hot or warm most of time. But it won’t be that hot because we spend most of time in the lab, and all buildings here have AC. Sweater and jeans are enough for winter here.

Freshmen live on-campus by default, but you can choose to move off-campus.

Off-campus living is much cheaper but not as safe as live on-campus. School campus locates in an area which is not that safe. It is not safe to walk outside campus at night. If you plan to live off campus it is better to have a car, or scooter. There are a lot of houses available around the campus area, just be sure to choose a safe one.

You can look at a website called Crime Map.

4.請問Ringling的其他科系有什麼特色呢? 跨系修課方便嗎?

Other than Computer Animation, Game Art, Illustration, and Motion Design are also big majors here. They are all very solid with great facility and faculties. I am sorry that I don’t know much about other majors. But Computer Animation is the strongest without any doubt! Other department will open elective class, but we are not allowed to enroll their major courses, partly because they are trying to keep less than 20 students in class. But rules are just rules, you can still choose their class if you talk to school’s advisor.

5.請問您認為Ringling的師資評價好嗎? 它們的課程規劃如何?

I am not so sure about faculties in other department. However, professors in CA department are great! For example, my traditional animation teacher Gary Schumer is from Disney who worked on Lilo & Stitch and Mulan. My concept design is Paul Downs from Blue Sky, he is the leading animator for Rio. My computer animation teacher is Heather who was animator from the Pixel Factory.

And there are a lot of teacher in Computer Animation department who previously was working in major studios.


I know some friends from mainland and Taiwan. We have dinner together and watch movie, sometimes, not very often. Because during the school year it is very very busy. We just have a dinner together during Thanksgiving, it is a lot fun.


There is a lot of exhibitions during the year, and the major companies will come to school giving presentation all year round. And there are some excellent presentation by visiting artists. For example, the storyboard artist from DreamWorks Steve Hickner will come and help critic senior’s work. Illust of Ill is the largest exhibition of illustration major.

8.請問Ringling的畢業生找工作容易嗎? 老師或學校有什麼樣資源或管道呢?

Ringling is one of the strongest animation school in finding a job. Professors here have very high requirement for the work, so that a lot students get into major studios every year. It is actually the best choice if you want to get into Pixar or DreamWorks. Animation, game, and film studios will come to school give presentations and look for talented students. We can hand in our portfolio and have a chance to get interview. ILM and Laika just came to my school to give presentation and interview. It is awesome!

The career service here is great. Charles, who is the head of career service graduates from Harvard University and is very experienced in guiding students into production pipeline.

9.請問Ringling的學費和生活費大約多少呢? 不開車生活會不方便嗎?

My first year spend around 57,000 USD. If you study animation the basic tuition with on-campus housing will adds up to around 45,000 USD a year. Comparing to other school, Ringling is expensive I would say. And there’s no point of getting scholarship here as an international student. So far I haven’t heard of anybody. But American students get a lot of scholarship and financial aid. So, please consider that. To be frank, I am really stressed out by the high tuition.


I have a blog, update art work every now and then https://yunhaoani.blogspot.com or, you can follow me on http://www.weibo.com my name is movingcastal


這家私立學校非!常!昂!貴! (敲鑼) 2020-2021年的BFA新生,純學費要$46,600,加上雜費4,570就是正式破5萬美金。再加上住宿就逼近7萬大關,學校預估總共$67,170+$270+$2,015 = $69,455


ringling tuition 2021

2018-2019年BFA新生純學費就要$42,330 (不含雜費) 如加上學雜費/住宿 (因校外治安不好,多數學生都住校) 一年的花費來到$61,490 (!)




因為學費真的太貴,該校也隆重推出惡作劇獎學金,阿不,是大師獎學金Masterpiece Scholarship Incentive Program,可查看一下網頁了解獎學金取得的方式和要求。 https://www.ringling.edu/masterpiecescholarship/




  1. 最近被Ringling的CA錄了,同時被CalArts拒了……
    想交個朋友,過去的時候可以同行或者帶路啊~我是路癡唉。 😀

  2. Pingback: 動畫靈感多多看, 10好站推薦

  3. 今年申请了ringling的computer animation 很希望能上 再过几个礼拜就要有消息了 好像ringling那边华人很少 想先了解一下学校 希望来年能去

  4. 我也想报Ringling,好像托福要求没有那么高。

  5. 站長您好 😎

    關於念室內設計研究所畢業後 在美國好找工作嗎 ?
    謝謝 : )

    Jamie Hsu
    1. 找工作這件事情,很難做評估,通常都跟地點,還有能力有關,有時也和「人脈」有關,所以~很難回答您喔!

  6. 大家好,我是在Ringling留学的大陆学生,这所学校的华人不多,相对信息也非常少,但是绝对是美国3D动画非常有实力的学校,我目前的专业时Computer Animation。如果想申请有疑问的同学可以发我的邮箱yzhang@c.ringling.edu

  7. Pingback: 總列表: 美國藝術與設計研究所 | MFA study

    1. 喔喔了解…
      祝福你不管決定往哪都能一切順利唷 😀

    2. 是啦…看到那個學費真是讓人很抖..

  8. Hi 我也收到computer animation 的錄取信,送了很多小東西很可愛! 想問有沒有學長姐可以分享一下學校生活呢? 這是我的信箱zaedcxv0716@gmail.com

    1. 因為聽一個中國同學說這裡的人在疑惑怎麼都沒有學長姐 叫我趕快來這裡回復 所以我就來了 我computer animation大四 如果有問題可以來信 剛剛爬文一下 所以樓上幾位現在是我的學弟妹嗎?

      email: xlin@c.ringling.edu

  9. 我今年2017 fall 申請上CA
    有拿到每年一萬美金的獎學金 還有一台筆電
    大家可以參考一下 這間學校還是有獎學金的喔 😆


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