


原文轉載自core 77 Portfolio Preparation Tips and Suggestions by Stu Constantine,我沒有全文翻譯,但是摘錄一些重要的句子。它的作品集指南是偏向「求職」類別的作品集,對大家來說也是很實用的喔!(本站過去都只提供「求學」類的作品集指南,後來發現很多人也拿來「求職」呢~~)

A strong portfolio opens doors, a weak portfolio closes them. Your portfolio is often the only thing a person sees before deciding whether or not to contact you, and in many cases you may not be present to explain it (particularly on-line portfolios). There are fundamental qualities that all outstanding portfolios share, and a variety of principals and techniques that can help take your portfolio from average to excellent. If at all possible, your portfolio should be appropriate to the situation and reviewer, and all portfolios should show creativity, skills, range, thought, and ambition. It is the overall combination of these, plus that “special something,” that makes one designer stand above the others.



The Right Type


There is no single “right” way to prepare a portfolio. A different presentation is appropriate for each person, each situation and each interview. You need to understand what kind of portfolio you are creating. Is it to get into school, to get an internship, to get a first job, a second job? Each of these will require a different selection of projects. Also consider what type of presentation are you preparing. Is it an on-line portfolio, a leave-behind book, a one-on-one interview, a cold call, or something else? Each of these scenarios calls for a different type of media, so you should spend some time thinking about what you will show in each of these cases and prepare accordingly.



The level of presentation in your portfolio must be excellent. Indeed, if your book is full of beautiful photos, renderings, sketches, and finished projects, you have only met the minimum requirements for designers these days. The pages in your book must demonstrate that you can quickly and effectively communicate complex ideas in a professional manner. Excellent, interesting and varied compositions are expected. Dramatic use of scale, focus and color will make your work stand out. Make an effort to communicate your level of skill with a wide variety of tools typical for your chosen field. This may include any and/or all of the following: a plethora of software packages, drawing skills, color, composition, model making, production techniques, manufacturing/fabrication, CAD, 3D modeling, and an understanding of basic engineering.


這裡是強調要「擴大」自己的ability領域,而且是要「全面的design sense」怎麼說呢,首先要強調自己是可學習的,可團隊的(好像每個人求職都一定會強調這一點,笑~)然後要記得口說無憑,要提供證據才好。

Your portfolio should celebrate your ability to work on different types of projects. This lets the reviewer know that you are flexible and can work in a variety of situations. If possible, use examples from different product categories, demonstrate your familiarity with a variety of media, or indicate experience with a range of technologies. Integration of varied disciplines is always interesting and shows a willingness to collaborate with a variety of people, another important skill. Make an effort to show your contributions to a project from concept through production. This demonstrates a holistic design sense that is invaluable to most employers. Also, make sure to show a full range of abilities, including sketching, rendering, model making, finished products, photography, 3D modeling, etc.



A designer who can take initiative, resolve a wide range of problems, and manage projects from beginning-to-end is a valuable addition to every team. Your portfolio, combined with a written résumé, should illustrate these traits. Self-driven projects are great examples of this. If possible, show measurable contributions conceived and implemented by you, repeatedly, on a wide variety of projects. Indicate that you can work with limited supervision. Show that you can generate ideas—no one is looking for a designer that needs someone else to think for them. Make an effort to fill gaps in your employment history with an interesting variety of projects and activities.

That Special Something

特別的小東西,很多人都會附在作品集裡,我過去寫過,像是申請互動設計的同學,可以放一些小遊戲,申請動畫的同學,可以放flip books,申請平面設計或是工業設計等得同學(建築也可以),放一些速寫,草稿發展的小冊子,都是很不錯得小東西Special something,不過要記得,這些小東西不要是沒意義的,要讓它insightful。也要讓它是有概念的。要能結合你最強的那一面。

If your portfolio has excellent examples of everything listed above, congratulations—you are free to compete with thousands of other hungry designers. To rise above the rest and truly stand out in an extremely competitive field, your work needs to go the extra mile. Your projects should show insightful, conceptual foundations, indicating that you think about your work on many levels. Layers of meaning in your work allow people to explore and enjoy your projects repeatedly. Beautiful compositions that show a variety of techniques, colors and scale make your work stand out. If you are particularly strong in one area—typography for example—make sure every entry in your book celebrates this fact, but without throwing it in the reader’s face. The quality of your work and your presentations is much more important than a fancy, unique, or tricky presentation. Keep it simple, and let the work speak for itself.


This may sound like a daunting task, but it is the reality in today’s design world. If you take the time to review and select your work, and put together a well thought out book, you’ll be rewarded many times over throughout your career.



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