


47) Summerhill 信箱 09/30/2000 am:11:59 藝術治療~ 請問一下,有沒有人是讀藝術治療(art therapy)的呀?我上去Chicago和Pratt的網站上看過,可是,不知道是我英文太爛還是什麼的……好像都是要大學讀相關科系,美術之類的,才可以讀他們的研究所?(我在台灣讀特教系)是這樣的嗎??嗚~~誰來救我呀�幫我讀一下下
愛伯 09/30/2000 pm:01:43 Hi, Summerhill! Sorry,我不認識任何人學art therapy的,但是我check一下Pratt的網站,它並沒有談到一定要相關科系的,它只說學士學位是必須的(當然,因為它是graduate program),但是”a degree in art or psychology is preferred”–如果有藝術或心理學方面的學位當然是很ㄅㄧㄤ了..它並沒有要求一定要藝術方面的Bachelor Degree,低是我想你一定會被要求去補修一些under的學分。
愛伯 09/30/2000 pm:02:13 至於你提到的Chicago如果是School of the Art Institute of Chicago ,那他們的要求就必須是BFA或是MFA的學生才可。它的Fine Arts是一流的,所以art therapy想必也是不簡單的角色。 兩個學校的比較可以從Usnews上比較。不過注意的是,Pratt的學費和全校學生數都比較多。而Chicago的學生接受率和整體ranking較高。兩校的Art Therapy似乎都是很老的program(很奇怪,Pratt的學生似乎只有20個人左右,從來沒遇過)。最近在Pratt有舉行全美藝術治療協會的研討會,也許\有些資料可以上網去和他們要要看。

46) Patty 09/30/2000 am:12:27 Fashion Design 我找不到有關服裝方面的資訊……
Paul Yang 09/30/2000 pm:12:15 try F.I.T and Parsons…for Fashion Design graduate school
愛伯 09/30/2000 pm:01:28 Paul說得很對,Fashion Design 在New York City大概就只有FIT和Parsons比較出名的樣子。就兩校而言,FIT重於生產性服裝設計,他們也有很多課是Fashion Merchandising的課,但是因為是有名的公立學校,學費也比較便宜,申請的人不少,英文要求也很高。至於Parsons的Fashion比較偏於設計,重設計和創意的部分很多…但是..聽說是標準的\”貴族學校\”,但是在New York地區的風評還不錯!走高級服飾路線的(這是根據我唸Fashion的同學說的…),今年我去看了他們的展,覺得很有味道…可以試試。兩校各有特色,參考看看。

45) GLORIA 09/29/2000 pm:12:30 GRE 我上個星期去考了GRE ……1990分,這樣算好還是不好?能申請到好的設計學校嗎?
flora 09/29/2000 pm:10:59 1990分…嗯咪…不錯喔!! (比艾力克斯先生好多啦)可以開始看合適哪些學校的分數囉!對了~~你要申請什麼主修啊!!只有建築跟傳播需要GRE分數啊??

44) 毛毛 09/29/2000 pm:12:26 作品集 我是要去讀建築啦!我現在最煩惱的是做作品集,不知道要做到什麼程度?還有印刷要花好多錢,有沒有其他較省錢品質又好的方法呢?
flora 09/29/2000 pm:10:54 恐怕沒有喔~~作品集的品質跟錢很有關係的啦~~當然~~跟頭腦也很有關係的…做到什麼程度啊?基本上盡量減少粗糙的部份,像是品質不好的紙啦,汙痕啦,之類的…然後,想想看倫家要看多少作品集,你又要如何使看過作品集的倫留下深刻印象囉!!加油!!

43) cpplo 信箱 09/27/2000 pm:11:27 那個UCLA… 如果想念動畫方面到那裡適不適合勒…因為之前從朋友那聽到它那可唸這方面的..可是看網頁好像是偏設計的…還是有特別的program是在animation&computer graphics方面呢..?
flora 09/29/2000 pm:10:55 現在唸動畫去加州蠻適合的.. (因為工作比較好找) 不過ucla的托福分數要600分耶

秘密喲~ 信箱 10/01/2000 pm:07:00 我也想去LA念computer art design耶~ 可以告訴我你說的UCLA裡的動畫的網址嗎? 不是學校的首頁喲! thanks!!對了! UCLA的分數都要求好高喲~ LA除了UCLA之外還有沒有其他學校也有電腦繪圖的研究所, 但是托福要求沒有那麼高的呀?

42) 愛伯 09/26/2000 am:04:52 Very cool classes of Art Center College of Design night school There are several fantastic design classes held in New York City area by the prestigious design school–Art Center College of Design form September to November now…check it out..http://www.artcenter.edu/

41) Paul 09/23/2000 pm:04:44 CGIM in Pratt Graduate CGIM-computer graphic major in Pratt is impossible to finish in two years, so far no one could make it, so if u really want to get into this major in pratt and want to finish it in two years, better think about it then. good luck
flora 09/25/2000 pm:10:53 CGIM真的那麼難唸啊~~~好恐怖喔~~~不知道唸最久的是多久….(不敢想像)
愛伯 09/26/2000 am:04:26 Yep, actually, as my experiences at auditing several classes of CGIM recently. It’s not so tough, just tons of credits and assignments are required in their program. Of cause, I think it’s one of worth-to-take and worth-to-spend-a-fortune classes at Pratt. Compare with the Visual Art and Parsons, the graduates from CGIM achieve very high standard in Communication Design field averagely. Also, many alumni of CGIM take influential positions in New York Communication Design community, which is one of the reasons that it could be so successful with so inadequate facilities. It’s not so hard as you expected, just requires your every minute in your two years….but, design is sometimes tough..right? Isn’t it? ^_^

40) Paul 09/23/2000 pm:04:35 find out who is in pratt 愛伯 r u pratt student???? what major r u in?and how long have u been here?and good luck for the school….
flora 09/25/2000 pm:10:52 我也想知道愛伯先生是唸哪兒的,可否悄悄的跟偶棉說一下ㄋㄟ~~~拜訪ㄅㄟ~~~~Pleeeeeasssse~~~~
愛伯 09/26/2000 am:03:58 Yep, I am a student in Design Management Program at Pratt. I got a B.S. in Industrial Design about 6 years ago. The program is relatively small in any given course at Pratt, so, you might never know about it. But I believe that it’s one of the best classes in design community of New York. About the further information, you could check it out on Pratt website. In addition, most of our instructors are both teaching at NYU Stern MBA program and ours…that’s a very great interactive communication to better improve the design management practice and development. You guys might check it out as well….^_^
愛伯 09/26/2000 am:04:35 Nope, Paul..compare with a veteran like you, I am just a new comer…I have been here just one year, and have one more year to go at Pratt. Maybe I will go to the gym sometimes for your martial art class….hahahah…good luck in school..^_^
Paul 09/26/2000 am:11:32 Dear 愛伯 bro: very nice to meet u here, so please feel free to come and visit my kung fu class in gym. so we can meet over right there.good luck

39) Summerhill 信箱 09/20/2000 pm:01:16 找不到藝術治療的資訊耶� 想請問一下貴站有沒有關於藝術治療的資訊呀?因為在台火ptt上有介紹這兒有,但是,我太笨了啦~一直找不到�還是說哪裡還在類似的資訊? 愛伯 09/21/2000 pm:12:41 check this out…baby.. http://www.pratt.edu/ad/ather/index.html
愛伯 09/26/2000 am:03:44 Hi, Summerhill..there was a conference about art therapy held in Pratt Manhattan Campus at Sep. 24…they gathered all art therapists and experts for fantastic lectures. I didn’t really get into it, just know the information, so, I think that would be very good idea if you request for the materials used in this conference.

38) Paul Yang 信箱 09/17/2000 am:04:26 martial art class in pratt It’s me again, just wanna tell every pratt students, I teach Chinese martial art class in Gym every Friday 5:00pm.check it out!!

37) Paul Yang 信箱 網址 09/17/2000 am:03:32 need to take English exam in pratt after you get in. There are few people ask me the info about Pratt. huh…let me think…after you get into Pratt, then you all need to take the English exam, if you are international student, and you pass it then you don’t need to take the ESL class in Pratt again, Pratt doesn’t care if you pass the ESL exam or you’ve took ESL program in the other school..

36) Paul Yang 信箱 09/15/2000 am:11:49 want any information about pratt? This is Paul, I have been New York for 6 years, and I’m pratt graduate student now, want any information from me? mail me then.

35) vivi 信箱 09/08/2000 am:05:19 苦惱 hey~ I wanna apply arts&design school in western California for Spring 2001, but Idont know which program should I take nah?? Interior design or graphic design? which one is better and easier nah? because my computer skill is not so good…so I wanna know which one is good for me!! can u help me plz?? 可不可以介紹一些學校給我ㄋ??? 感激不盡!!!!!!! ps:please send me by E-Mail ^__^
愛伯 09/08/2000 am:10:27 hi, vivi, first of all, it depends…that means. each school has its perspective about design education. Some schools focus on computer skill, some don’t. You could search the school information from www.usnews.com, and go to the education Brower, then you could find out tons of information about ranking, school description and other relevant materials. Everything could get online now. so, you probably could apply online too.
flora 09/08/2000 pm:01:03 dear vivi: Interior Design and Graphic Design are good major. but nor easy to study. If you wanna apply arts & design School in western CA for Spring 2001. please visit 學校菜市場. or search in peterns website. http://www.petersons.com

34) mei 信箱 09/04/2000 pm:08:15 托福考試 你好: 我對留學很有興趣,但因家中的金錢有限,所以希望知道一些有關於英文考試方面的一些資訊,關於獎學金方面,可以申請去外國念書,是否可以麻煩你,謝謝
flora 09/07/2000 am:11:03 hi!Mei~ 妳的問題有點奇怪耶,不太了解妳要問的重點在哪裡,英文考試的資訊在[托福烤肉區]裡有,獎學金的資訊請你上中華民國留學資訊站去看,進[電郵聯結丸]可以看網址

33) 小怡 信箱 09/01/2000 am:03:50 “去美術館上個創作的課吧!三個月才兩千塊,不過得碰上報名的時間才行” 請問是台北市立美術館嗎? 我剛剛去看它們的網站, 沒有相關課程耶~ 現在沒有開課了嗎?thanks~
flora 信箱 網址 09/01/2000 am:10:18 小怡: 歡迎妳加入我們的留言板喔~美術館的課是按季的,所以報名日期早就過了,順帶一提,他們不歡迎旁聽的,因此你要試試別的藝術進修課程,可以去敦南誠品的二樓傳單桌去溜溜,不一定一開始就要做實作課程,先聽聽講座也好,加油喔!q(^_^)p!

32) 小怡 信箱 09/01/2000 am:03:37 找學校… 親愛的站長,很高興終於有人製作像這樣主題的網站了,對像我這樣的人真是一大福音呀!! 不好意思,我有一些問題想請問您,我也是想出國唸電腦繪圖,但是其實我大學唸的是外文,和藝術或是電腦繪圖一點關係都沒有,所以很多方面我都不太了解.
我想找LA的學校,但是站長您列出來的我都去看過,不過我想以我的程度我是不可能申請到的,所以我在考慮CSU的學校,但是卻不知道LA附近哪個 CSU有電腦繪圖?我問過CSULB,她們的回答是她們沒有,但是我找到CUSLA有Art的系,但是我不確定它們到底有沒有電腦繪圖的課程,站長能幫我確認一下嗎?
很多學校都要求大學必須也是唸Art,但是想我這樣Art department in Foreign Languages and Literature的也能申請嗎? 我不是相關科系耶~
謝謝您… 希望我不會問太多了!!
flora 信箱 網址 09/01/2000 am:10:27
電腦繪圖的課程?現在有偏程式,也有偏藝術的,妳要先確定是Computer Arts還是Computer Graphic??其實有其他課程,例如Visual Design或是Visual Communication也是跟電腦繪圖相關的,妳應該點進去看他們的開課內容多做了解



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