Portfolio prep 作品集準備 (翻譯自MCA)


Portfolio prep 作品集準備 (翻譯自MCA)

[+]你應該放些什麼呢? What should you include?

It may be easier to start with what not to include…old work should not be considered since your most recent work will usually be your best.

Try to choose from work done in the past two years (three years at the most). At Memphis College of Art, we ask to see ten to twenty examples, include on the high side of that if you have enough to choose from (check specific requirements at the schools you’re applying to). But also try to think quality, over quantity! In other words, don’t include more work for the sake of having a lot to show, be sure you’re still choosing from your best. We recommend not including any of the following: Viking warrior men or women, unicorns or other mythological creatures, cartoons or any other trite imagery – whether copied or original, copies from album covers, or portraits of your favorite celebrities. Even if that’s what you might prefer to draw, colleges look for a different type of original work. (Keep in mind, however, that nothing is absolute – if you’re interested in illustration and want to submit one or two representations of work from reference material, limit this to one or two. The bulk of your portfolio should be drawing from direct observation.)

先想想不該放些什麼,會比較簡易,舊的作品應該就不考慮了,因為你最近的作品照說才能秀出最佳效果,試著從最近兩到三年中的作品中來挑選(最好不要超過三年).在MCA,我們要求看十到二十件的作品,你應該先確認一下你要申請的學校作品”數量”要求,再來考量你最多能提出幾件作品,不過,也試著考量一下”質”,你要提出的作品至少要”夠質”,”夠量”,換言之,不要因為學校要看很多作品,就隨便湊湊數量,你應該還是要先挑最好的 我們建議你不要提出下列作品:海盜或鋼甲勇士畫或美女畫,獨角獸,或其他怪力亂神的想像角色,卡通人物畫或其他老掉牙的東西,不管他們是照描的還是你創的,也不管是從書上照描或是你為了某件事兒創作的,就算你想要主修插畫,學校也希望看到你有不同的風格,(記得,無論如何,nothing is absolute無事不相連,如果你對插畫有興趣,要交一兩件作品是從插畫書上臨摹的,至多兩件就好了,你的作品集裡應該是直接觀察的一些素描作品才對

[+]審查小組在”查”什麼? What is the admissions committee looking for?

When we suggest drawing from direct observation, we mean looking at three-dimensional objects and translating that to the two-dimensional surface of your paper or canvas. Drawing still lifes, portraits, self-portraits, landscapes or cityscapes from life rather than copied! When you draw from a photograph, half the work has already been done for you. The composition has been laid out and your values captured by the camera. It is important that you learn to visualize these things on your own. That’s why we encourage drawing from life. You may also like to draw from your imagination, but again, schools are going to want to see the direct observational drawing to look at your ability to see. It’s more difficult to draw from life and may be frustrating at first but as you strengthen your visual skills you’ll see a remarkable improvement. Self-portraits are a wonderful addition to your portfolio. Admissions committees can get some insight into you – also you can be your own best model, always available when you’re ready to draw-from a mirror!


The next most important thing to keep in mind is variety. Varied subject matter, media, scale, techniques, even working methods. This will show that you are not afraid to experiment with new ideas, techniques and materials. You shouldn’t be locked into any particular style yet; you’ll want to show flexibility and diversity. Some color work, along with your black and white drawings, will really add strength to your portfolio. Although you do want to show variety, you don’t want to do that at the sake of adding something in an unfamiliar medium. Don’t show the first watercolor that you ever attempted. Practice will make you comfortable and more proficient in your media and techniques. Some of your pieces can be carefully rendered while others may be quick studies, contour line, or gesture drawings that take less time. Both are appropriate to include.

下一件重要的事,記得要有多樣性. 題材的多樣,使用素材的多樣,使用科技的多樣,甚至是創造方法的多樣性.這些能夠秀出你是不怕嘗試新點子,新科技和新材料的. 你不應該被任何的風格限制住. 你要能秀出你的彈性和多元性.一些彩色作品,配上一些黑白作品,確實能增加你作品集的份量,最後,雖然多樣性很重要,但是你不必為了它去試一些你不熟的素材.例如,不要秀你為了作品集而畫的第一張水彩畫,即使你一點都不想畫水彩,熟能生巧會讓妳覺得比較舒服,也比較有自信.你的某些”花時間”的作品要是完整的,其他”花少一點時間”的作品可以只有輪廓線,或是一些動作姿勢的描繪.兩者都可以放入作品集

If you are considering a career in graphics or illustration, you may submit a few pieces from those areas. In graphics, where craftsmanship is so important, pay careful attention to your lettering, your layout and your design. The concept is just as important as the final pieces; both should be carefully executed. Illustrations often require working from reference material and not direct observation. Illustrators do work from photos to create images that a camera can’t capture. This is one of those exceptions to the rule where your work may not be solely from life-but don’t forget that the bulk of your portfolio should be.


[+]其他重要的考量Other important considerations

Interesting subject matter with varying textures or focusing on and enlarging an area of a still life can lend interest as can cropping an object off at an unusual angle. Concentrating on a series can be interesting as well-it also shows an admissions committee that you can take a problem through several alternative solutions. You might explore the use of one subject with varied media or a series of one technique with varied subject matter.


Composition is important. Try to avoid the typical composition of an object stuck in the middle of the paper. Consider placement before you start your piece-don’t leave it to chance. Do preliminary sketches or thumbnail sketches; from these choose the composition that you find most interesting. Letting your image run off the edges of the picture plane can break up the negative or background space. Show a full range of values in your drawings, whether you’re working in black and white or color. It is important to show value contrast which is achieved by making your shaded areas very light. Consider your background as important as the imagery in your drawings as well. You can ruin a good piece by concentrating on the image and quickly treating the background to get it done.


[+]我應該畫些什麼 What should I draw?

You should never lack for ideas about your art (what to draw or what to try next). Explore other artists’ work by looking through current art publications such as Art in America, Graphics, and by visiting galleries to see what contemporary artists are doing or by going to art museums and reading art history books to see what artists before you have done. Not only can this be inspirational, but you can apply some of these ideas to your own work.

關於你的作品,你應永不缺乏點子(想畫什麼或是下一步要試些什麼). 你可以從現有的藝術出版品來探索,例如Art in America, Graphic,也可以參觀藝廊,看看當代藝術家在做些什麼,或是到博物館去,讀讀藝術史的書,看看過去的藝術家做過些什麼. 做這些事不僅能點亮你的點子,你也可以將它們應用在你自己的創作上

Presentation of your work will speak of your craftsmanship and professionalism. It’s like going on a job interview, you want to make the best impression possible. Take pride in your work and in how you present it. Keep it stored in a safe, clean place-not under your bed or in an attic collecting dust. A portfolio case can be purchased at any art store or you can make a case with two large pieces of cardboard taped together. Once you’ve made decisions about which pieces you plan to include in your portfolio, clean them up as much as possible. You should mount and/or matt each piece in white, off-white or black. Don’t use colored matts-they detract from your drawing which is what you want to be most obvious. Nothing should obscure it.


It is not required but you may consider covering your pieces with acetate mounting and/or shrink wrap (shrink wrap is what record albums are covered with). Not only does it look good, but it keeps your work clean and helps protect it from damage. Ask for shrink wrap or acetate at an art supply store. Make sure your name is clearly marked on all your pieces-back or front-and on the outside of your portfolio.

雖然我們並不要求,不過你可以考慮一下在作品上覆蓋無酸的表紙acetate mounting,或是塑膠套shrink wrap(就是那種唱片封套上用的東西),這樣不只讓它們看起來更讚,也能保持作品的清潔,並保護它們不被破壞,你可以在任何美術社裡問到這些商品,次外,要確定你每件作品(前面或後面)還有你的整個作品集都清楚標上你的名字

[+]那幻燈片呢? What about slides?

Never give your work away or sell it without first documenting it by taking a photograph or a slide. Slides are usually the better choice as they will reproduce your work better. Mark your slides with your name, the name of the piece, medium, the size, and an arrow showing the top of the slide for work where this is not obvious. You may also include a description sheet along with your slides detailing assignments and other information you feel the committee should know about each piece. Slides should be focused on your work not on the background-focus in on the image as close up as possible. The easiest way to take your own artwork on a black cloth that is covering a large chair (always use a neutral background), place your work out of direct sunlight but in a light area, and shoot. Be sure to take off the glass or acetate before taking a slide.


以下謝謝網友摸幫我翻譯. 🙂

Three-dimensional work, sculpture or ceramics, or any work that is not flat, should be submitted in slide form. You should include no more than two views of the same piece. Remember if you are applying to more than one college (and you should be) the deadlines often overlap, which means you will probably need to take slides. Take your slides early because you must have time to see if your film was exposed correctly before you part with your work. Too dark or too light? Do them over! It is less expensive to take several shots of the same image if you want duplicates than to take one shot and ask the processing lab to make duplicates for you. If you need more help with making slides, call us for a copy of our brochure, “Recipe for Good Slides.”


[+]你每天都創作嗎?Do you work on art each day?

A great way to get a feel for what art school is like is to keep a sketchbook now. Working in a sketchbook is a good way to keep your art-and your ideas about art-with you at all times. Memphis College of Art’s admissions committee really likes you to submit your sketchbook as one of the pieces in your portfolio. This tells of your thought processes and ideas and shows that you do work on your art out of class. Your sketchbook should be complete-all 100 pages. Now if you wrote a grocery list on one page or so, that’s fine, Picasso did that in his sketchbook, too. (To see Picasso’s sketchbook, you could go to a library or bookstore and ask for Je Suis Le Cahiers-that may give you some other good ideas.)

持續速寫是一個感受藝術學校生活的好方法。速寫是一個讓你無時無刻都沉浸在藝術裡以及維持創作的靈感的好方法。曼菲斯藝術學院的入學審查委員會很喜歡申請者把他們的速寫簿當成作品集中的一件作品。這麼做可以表現你的創作思維過程也證明你在課外時間也創作。你的速寫簿應該要是完整的一本。如果你的速寫簿有某幾頁記著購物清單也無所謂,因為畢卡索也曾經這麼做。(去看畢卡索的速寫簿!你應該去圖書館或書店找’Je Suis Le Cahiers’ˊ這本書,可能會給你許多靈感。)

p.s.Je Suis Le Cahiers是畢卡索的速寫簿

[+]應該怎麼寄出你的作品?How should you submit your works?

If you are planning to mail your portfolio, it is important to package it in a sturdy box. Your local U-Haul or Mayflower moving company has mirror boxes that are just perfect for mailing portfolios. Of course, you should not submit pieces that are under glass because of breakage. But protecting your work is a good idea. If you have mailed your work to us, we will U.P.S. it back to you, C.O.D., insured. If you’re sending slides, buy a plastic slide sleeve at a photography store; it holds and also protects your slides. Remember to mark each slide with your name and an arrow showing the top of the slide. On a description page, tell the medium you used, the dimensions of your work, and the year the piece was completed. When sending slides, you should include a large stamped, addressed envelope so Memphis College of Art or your other art school choices can mail your slides back to you.

如果你準備郵寄你的作品集,找個堅固的盒子包裝是很重要的。托運公司通常都有標準尺寸的盒子。你不應該寄易碎物品。為你的作品投保是不錯的方法。如果你把你的作品集寄來,我們當然會快遞回去,當然–貨到付款。如果你準備寄幻燈片,請去相館買裝幻燈片的塑膠套,它們可以承裝以及保護你的幻燈片。每一張幻燈片都要寫上你的名子並且標示哪邊朝上。在解釋幻燈片內容的說明書上,說明你用的媒材還有作品的尺寸、製作的年份。寄幻燈片的時候請附上貼好郵票並寫好你姓名地址的大信封,學校就會把你的幻燈片寄還給你。 p.s.這只有本地同學適用吧,我們貼台灣郵票米國人怎麼寄給我們啊?還是付匯票吧!

Where can you get help?

One great way to get more help with your portfolio is to come to one of the National Portfolio Days. These are hosted at colleges and universities across the country, so there is bound to be one within driving distance to you. Schools such as Memphis College of Art, Parsons, Rhode Island School of Design, Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design, and Art Center in Pasadena participate. National Portfolio Day is a time when Admissions representatives and faculty members will talk with you about your work and about their school’s programs. Each of the schools represented at National Portfolio Days are accredited by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD). This is the only national professional accrediting agency for educational institutions in the visual arts recognized by the Council on Postsecondary Accreditation and the United States Department of Education. Check to see if the college or university you are considering is accredited by NASAD.

In addition to National Portfolio Days, Memphis College of Art offers and excellent opportunity for you to have your portfolio reviewed at our Weekend Workshops. We invite high school juniors, seniors, college students considering transfer, art teachers, and parents to visit the school. The day is filled with working in the studios with our faculty, learning about portfolio preparation, talking with instructors about your own artwork, meeting our students, touring the facilities, and answering your questions about college and careers. Calls us for future Weekend Workshop dates.






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