[CLEMSON] Clemson University 克萊姆森大學



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Clemson University 克萊姆森大學是一所位於南卡羅萊納州的公立大學,有時也翻譯為「克萊門森大學」,英文簡稱為Clemson。該校於1889年成立。該校學生約有17000多人,師資約有1200多人,以生化,電子,農科等理工科聞名。在USNEWS的全美大學當中排名第66,是前段班的知名公立大學。

Clemson校園建築大多是黃磚顏色,感覺很古老典雅。該校校隊曾贏得1981年全美大學聯盟(NCAA)足球賽冠軍。這個學校有小名喔,叫做「Tiger」。校隊的logo,就是一個虎掌印子。全校都熱愛橘色為代表色。校園還有一個大湖可以釣魚:哈特韋爾湖(Hartwell Lake),是全美數一數二美麗的校園。


克萊姆森大學的建築藝術與人文學院(College of Architecture, Arts, & Humanities,簡稱CAAH)包含三所學校:人文學院、設計與建築學院、以及藝術學院,三所學院共有十個系所:藝術,建築,建築科學與管理,英語,歷史,景觀建築,語言,表演藝術,哲學和宗教,以及規劃,發展和恢復。 其中以建築學院較為出名,曾被雜誌評為全國建築研究所第16名。此外,該校也有提供研究生獎學金Graduate assistantship的機會。經濟拮据的同學,可以嘗試申請看看喔!

學院網頁 http://www.clemson.edu/caah/


  • 1. Architecture 建築- M. Arch : 有很特別的「建築與健康」主修。
  • 2. Art藝術-M.F.A.:網頁 http://www.clemson.edu/caah/art/ 主要是純藝術領域,分別有
    • 2-1. drawing繪畫
    • 2-2. painting油畫
    • 2-3. printmaking版畫
    • 2-4. ceramics陶藝
    • 2-5. photography攝影
    • 2-6. sculpture雕塑
  • 3. Performing Arts表演藝術 (B.A only)
  • 4. Landscape Architecture景觀建築設計
  • 5. Digital Production Arts (M.F.A.) 數位藝術; 該系簡稱為DPA,網頁 http://www.fx.clemson.edu/, 規模約三十位學生, 近期畢業生有被下列公司錄取, ILM, EAGames, Pixar, Rhythm & Hues, Tippet Studios, Blue Sky Studios, Square SUA


[+]和Clemson學生Cindy的對答. 2006.06

I was majoring in art and now I major in Digital Production Arts in Clemson University, you might be able to add this under “animation” section 🙂

1. 可以簡單介紹Clemson您唸的科系有什麼特色嗎?

It’s a 2~3 year degree(Digital Production Art)we emphasized not only on artistic aspect of animation, as well as technical part
but in other animation school, they emphasize mostly on artistic part.

2. 請問Clemson的校園如何?住在學校方便嗎?

Very pretty and good size, not too big and not too small, and it’s very convenient to live on campus.

3. 請問Clemson所在地的天氣如何呢?

We never have to worry about bad weather here(such as snow storm), very nice weather especially during spring and fall.
during winter is around 35F and during summer it’s about 75~100F

4. 請問Clemson的學費和生活費如何呢?一定需要開車嗎?

If you have the opportunity to get a Graduate assistantship for grad-school, the tuition becomes very cheap($1100 per semester) and we get pay every two week. There’s no need for car as you can walk to downtown or ride the bus for grocery shopping, but it’s more convenient to have a car.

5. 請問Clemson的台灣同學多嗎? 唸藝術的學生多不多?

Not very much, average about 6 new students every year. I would say there aren’t many people study in Art
most Taiwanese student major in MBA or Engineering

6. 請問Clemson的校園安全如何?

Very safe, I feel safe walking on campus even at night

7. 請問Clemson校園中的藝術活動多嗎?

Not so much, they do have occasional art exhibition from faculty or professional artiest.

8. 請問您認為Clemson在藝術方面的師資評價好嗎? 它們的課程規劃如何?

I think they only have very few good art professors in Fine Art Department, but the organization is quite good.
We have pretty average professor in Digital Production Art, but organization is still not quite there yet.

9. 請問您認為Clemson的藝術相關系所畢業生找工作容易嗎?

It’s still quite difficult to find a job after the bachelor degree in art, I’m not sure about Master in Fine Art, but I would say they have higher chance to get a job than just having undergrad degree. However, Digital Production ARts degree has much higher chance to get the job compare to master degree in fine art.


the Office of Admissions, E-209 Martin, Clemson, SC 29634-5124, Telephone: (864) 656-3195

申請費: $90 (依校方申請組公布的國際學生申請費為準)
申請截止日: Jan 1 (MFA in Visual Arts with 獎學金 $5,000 University Recruitment Fellowship申請,如果GPA有3.5以上或作品集十分優異); Mar 15(MFA in Visual Arts)
TOEFL: ibt 79-80; CBT 213
GRE: 建築系的M.Arch學位需要GRE; 另外Digital Production Arts的MFA申請者也需要GRE,但藝術學院的MFA不需要

[+] 學費

2016-2017 克萊姆森大學 年學費Fall 2016 – Spring 2017 Graduate Tuition 以Masters of Fine Arts in Digital Production Arts (beginning Fall 2016) 為例子:約為17600一學期,所以x2 的年學費大約為35200。(學費網頁
2012-2013 Nonresident Full Time 年學費USD$30,004 
2008-2009 Nonresident Full Time 年學費USD$24,130




  1. Pingback: [動畫] [電腦動畫] Animation/Computer Animation | MFA!study

  2. Pingback: [建築] [建築設計] Architecture/Architectural Design | MFA!study


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