[CCAD] Columbus C of A&D 哥倫布藝術與設計學院


Columbus College of Art and Design 哥倫布藝術與設計學院

哥倫布藝術與設計學院Columbus College of Art and Design,經常簡稱為CCAD,是一所位於美國中北部俄亥俄州的哥倫布市區內,小型的私立藝術學校,全校大約1300位學生。該校1879年成立,是一所頗有歷史和名氣的中部藝術與設計學校。也算是屬於沒有正式校園的小型藝術學校,重視繪畫。


校區大約由14棟建築組成,BFA課程為主,提供的主修非常豐富,包括有電影,動畫,工業設計,室內設計,服裝設計,廣告設計等等,其中以服裝設計最為出名,可惜並沒有服裝設計的碩士學位,此外插畫主修也蠻出名的,於2009年開始提供有MFA和MPS課程,主修為Visual Arts。Semester制。

知名校友有皮克斯美國動畫導演丹·斯坎倫Dan Scanlon(《怪獸大學》導演),MV導演約翰·烏爾巴諾 (John Urbano) 服裝設計師 Genoveva Christoff 等。

2021.4.24 更新學費





Columbus College of Art and Design 哥倫布藝術與設計學院 MFA藝術創作碩士課程


該校的MFA課程以偏Studio Art的走向為主,要修滿60學分,主修的選擇非常彈性,校方網頁說:Utilizing a structure rare in the United States, this exciting program draws its inspiration from the way artists actually work. The project-based, multidisciplinary program is designed to develop not just candidates’ artistic skills, but also their skills in planning, communications, and leadership.

大意以Visual Art為主線,但都是專案制,也就是說,主要是彈性的以學生想研究的方向來進行。



MPS商場設計碩士 Columbus College of Art and Design 哥倫布藝術與設計學院


這個課程只提供給Retail Design主修,簡單來說類似櫥窗和商場/展場設計,招牌也算喔! 蠻特別的!


2020-2021 年學費,約為USD$36,500左右,漲了蠻多的。


Columbus College of Art and Design 哥倫布藝術與設計學院 TUITION

2013-2014年學費 Tuition (BFA & MFA): $27,504 per year: $13,752 (per term, full time, 12–18 credit hours) 學費網頁
2010年學費 $24864 學費網頁




  1. 我剛剛申請上這一間學校,排名我是不太清楚啦,若是你友什麼問題可以問我一下,不過我應該是部會到那邊去就讀,有比較優先的學校可以選擇了^^ 我的mail:kuni8003@mac.com

  2. CCAD is one of the oldest art schools in the United States. CCAD offers programs included Advertising, Fashion Design, Fine art, Industrial design, Interior Design, Illustration, Time Based Media Studies(3D and 2D Animations, Film & Video), and Still Based Media Studies(Photography) . Fine Arts and Illustration are very strong and famous. This college very takes care of international students. 20 years ago, if you had artistic talent, you didn’t pay tuition for your college education. Even though the rule had been changed, CCAD still offer scholarship for talent students. For example, I had gotten four year scholarship about $36000USD. Additionally, each academic year, the school will pick one outstanding student at each program, and offers them extra scholarship about $1000USD.

  3. 我剛拿到offer及7500的奬學金, 有人現在在該校讀工業設計嗎? 該系的水平如何? 如果唸了半年後對該系沒興趣, 容易轉系嗎? 學校有無宿舍,環境安全嗎?

  4. Hallo Sheana,
    I am not in CCAD anymore, but here is some informations I can offer you. You can easily transfer to any majors you want in CCAD. The campus is small but beautiful. They just rebuilt few buildings. The Loann Crane Center for Design is one of new buildings that they built for three years ago when I was at the school. Another building they are building now is a new residence. The campus is pretty safe. However, the school is located in downtown area in Columbus, so at night, don’t walk on the street by your self out of campus like other cities in USA. The school offers dormitory for freshman. For school rule, a freshman under 21 must live in the school dormitory for first year. (I strongly suggest you live in the school dormitory because you will get many friends there, and try to enter they social life) They are two dormitories. Usually, the girl dormitory NO10 is for girls, and the other NO13 is for boys. You may see the map here http://www.ccad.edu/campusmap.htm
    It is hard to say a school is good or bad because all depend on people. For me, the school is really good because the school make me like home. The school offers scholarship to students based on their art ability not races. The school has a really good Art foundation training in your first year, and few classes continue to second year. You will have a lot assignments you have to finish each weeks. The school does not have many Asian students. That is benefit to learn English, but sometimes you will feel lonely. The international student adviser, Jonathan is nice man. Any questions you just feel free to ask him. Many students work in Abercrombie & Fitch and Victoria’s Secret after they graduate for graphics design or fashion design positions. The most famous Asian Artist is Wucius Wong who attended CCAD from 1961 to 63. Another famous illustrator is Dean Mitchell. Hope those can help you know more anout the school.

  5. 你好站长,我想问一下,我在国内是插画专业的本科生,想去美国读研,请问美国那所大学的插画专业比较好呢?(不知道UCLA或者UCSD有没有相关专业)我本科学校也是很注重手绘、理念,而不是技法和电脑操作。



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