[討論精華] Ringling School of Art and Design


[+]8985 Polo -2004-12-06 16:28:23  
To Peter:
你也要申請Sheridan嗎?我也曾聽說過這家的動畫還不錯,所以也有申請這一家的BFA(Animation)…另外,Ringling School of Art and Design這家的動畫也不賴,在美國Florida,你也可參考看看(若要申請大學部的話)。一塊努力吧!加油!^^

[+]8987 Peter -2004-12-06 16:41:43  
To Polo:
發現你介紹的Ringling School of Art and Design 怎麼沒在這網站的介紹中呢? 曾經看過一些不錯的動畫短片,原來有些是他們學校學生的作品阿!蠻驚訝的,謝謝妳的推薦.

[+]8992 Alex -2004-12-07 00:48:46  
To Peter,
If you want to apply for BFA-Computer Animation, I recommend Ringling School of Art and Design that is the best computer animation school in USA, but Sheridan is not bad also.


One Comment

  1. Ringing school is the best one if u want to study animation, i just got in. The major of animation normally is chosen from 300 out of 25 so….try your best and good luck



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