馬文(六) SOP Sample 讀書計劃範本


SOP Sample 讀書計劃範本
Sogdian_letter_no.3 A Fourth-century Abandoned Wife (cat.s 191-92)

謝謝馬文小姐主動提供她的讀書計劃範本,站長知道很多學生對寫字頭痛,需要範本,但是,不能照抄喔!也不要想說我copy個幾行就好了,想想看!你是要“為自己”去求學,花銀子唸書的,對自己未來的讀書計畫能不好好親自寫嗎? 範本是參考寫法,人家的目標可不是你的目標喔!

申請藝術或設計碩士學位的 讀書計畫範本

Ever since my childhood, I was fascinated by visual art, such as calligraphy and traditional Chinese painting. Because my home is located far away from downtown Taipei, I had to commute to art classes for one and a half hours each day. At that time, my parents were busy working. So I had to do most things myself, which has given me a strong sense of independence. While I was in high school, I discovered the pleasure of art. Since that time, I decided to devote myself to visual art.

My previous college education in the ??? Department at ??? University, Taiwan. I have learned various photographic techniques and subjects such as graphic design, printing, and digital imaging; I also enjoyed liberal arts courses– such as contemporary art theory and cultural studies to stimulate my thoughts. My undergraduate education has provided me with diversified techniques and a solid foundation to create ambitious multi-media installations combining different aspects of design, imaging, and traditional photography as a whole. My academic performance was awarded??? Scholarship (President Award) in my senior year. My collegiate experience has also shown me that I work well in a competitive and challenging environment.

Media arts interests me immensely. It is not only an integration of art and technology, but a syn-aesthetic experience of the visual, audio, and olfactory senses. Media arts cannot only be seen as an extension of the human, but as an indication of our civilization, and possibly a realm that goes beyond the boundaries of language and culture. Nowadays, different cultures have started to merge as one because of the emergence of media arts that creates a virtual world that interacts and communicates with people. This is a part of the mission of media artists. My goal is to become a successful media artist or an art director for a multi-media design company. Attending the ??? program of your prestigious school will give me a well-rounded education and experience to help fulfil my goals.

I like working with people. Since my junior year in college, I gained experience by working for professional photographers, graphic designers, and magazines. Through the experience, I realized the importance of teamwork and how teamwork magnifies the creativity of a singular individual. Since media art covers many different areas, it is almost impossible for a single artist to accomplish the work alone. My experience as one of the art directors for the graduation exhibition of ??? University also reinforces this belief.

When I worked as an art editor in the graduation exhibition team, I was in charge of all the publications for the exhibition. The procedures included price estimates design concept making printing proofs and proofing printing colours, and completing the project. It required advanced planning for three months, and I had to be cautious with the budget and the timing. Finally, I accomplished my work step by step. I also learned to work together with other people from the graduation exhibition team.

I believe that my knowledge and skills in photography, design, and printing can contribute to your program, with emphasis on the collaborative aspect of the arts. With my manner and attitude gained from my working experience, I can also make the team more effective and complete. To go through the education and training of your fine program will help me get closer to my life goals.

I certify the information supplied on this application is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge.

Signature of Applicant —————–
Date ?? / ?? / ????


PDF檔 http://wws.princeton.edu/sites/default/files/content/other/STATEMENT%20UNDP.pdf

研究所用的 怎麼寫,非常詳細的GUIDELINE https://bemoacademicconsulting.com/blog/graduate-school-statement-of-purpose-example-and-tip



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